Where are our investigative journalists?
(and why the silence from shareholders?)
I am still expecting to hear the backlash from a recent announcement of a new Political Slush Fund (The West Australian, November 22, 2022). Six of WA’s biggest mining firms “have collectively donated $750 million to kickstart the Resources Community Investment Initiative”.
They hope a Political Slush Fund will give these companies “access” to the Premier and Ministers. Of course, one of the attractions of such slush funds is that they escape scrutiny by the state government auditor.

Have we no lingering memories of the 1980’s Brian Burke era of WA Inc., and the long-term damage done to the reputation of our state?

WA Inc. certainly gave those companies access to the political influencers of the day, but the results were dubious to say the least.
Why the silence on this emergence of WA Inc. II from our media?
Why the silence from the shareholders of these companies?
Would it be more ethical for those companies to pay their shareholders a dividend and allow those shareholders the honour of donating to causes of their own choosing?
Edit: Paying for access to Albo and Ministers!
We invite your responses, feedback and suggestions. If this resonates with you, please SHARE!
There is a typo in the lead para. You quote The West as November 2023.
Well I remember WA Inc and the damage it did to the reputation of WA.
What a shame homelessness has not been recognised by the donors. There is an appalling lack of houses for those in need in WA and the numbers grow every year and this government and those before it have failed to meet the challenge.
Here in the Great Southern we have a wait list of close to 600 and it is growing by 15% to 20% a year.
Hi Roger, thank you noting the typo in the date of the West Australian article. It has now been corrected.