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This week’s cancellation of ERA’s 42-year Mining Lease extension raises international concerns at Australia’s increased level of Sovereign Risk.

This situation is made worse by the ominous silence from our opposition Liberal Party  and the very mining industry who appear to enjoy being phased out by effective and destructive campaigns by the enemies of industry.

Eugene Guccione (left) Editor of ‘Mining Engineering USA’, arrives in Darwin to inspect the world-class Jabiluka discovery, with Ron Manners (right) – Aug. 1976

How significant are the ‘ heritage remnants used as evidence’ – none of us know the answer, but to understand the origins of the Native Title Act it is necessary to absorb some background on who set it up in the first place.

See Red Over Black (free e-Book here)

As quoted on the back cover:

Red Over Black is the chilling and almost unbelievable story of the Marxist manipulation of the Aboriginal ‘land rights’ movement, told by a man who learned of Communist strategy while in the Communist Party.”

With the effective cancellation of ERA’s Mining Lease on August 11 2024, Australia and all Australians, will become ‘poorer into the future’.

The world will also be deprived of a much-needed source of energy; forever!

What good news is this for so many of the world’s despotic energy dictators, as now they have a competitor removed from the market.

Australia does it again ― another ‘own goal’, against ourselves.

The full story:
“‘A lot of politics’: Willy Packer dismayed as ERA loses bid to revive uranium mining in the Northern Territory.”

Ron Manners AO


    • A great question, thanks for answering.” So many people overlook the importance of Property Rights to Mining. If Property Rights are not secure then exploration / investment dollars just go elsewhere, to other countries. This is what we saw when the badly executive Native Title Act (NTA) was brought in, exploration / investment dollars just went to other countries where resources were developed and now, they are vigorously competing with Australia, so we lost in both ways, as we will this time if ERA’s Property Rights are extinguished at Jabiluka.

  • Disappointing outcome considering such a good global reserve for a material that can actually produce energy and clean. Whilst I can see why ALP / Greens would have done it ( I get just so what they do best… destroy the country…) I don’t really understand why.

    – Liberal Party is silent; they continue to disappoint on a number of levels;

    – Rio Tinto agrees and is ‘happy’ to lose such an asset; are they getting compensated for the asset? I doubt it.

    – why aboriginal people would be happy to remain impoverished; are they by getting a better opportunity to benefit? I doubt it.

    Of course the decision is reversible. I wonder how and who will take a future license…

  • I read Tony Grey’s piece on this.
    Very sad. I was in Darwin in the ’80s when a lot of this was going on. Galaroy Yunapingu and the northern land council. Kevin Torpey was running Denison Mines, he introduced me.

  • Let’s see how this impacts the Fraser Index – Sov Risk for Oz …. It would be great to see Oz drop a dozen spots … they deserve it …..

  • Thank you very much for this truly informative, but very sad information.
    I am so sorry to hear that the country of the family, free and independent individuals has turned also to such communist socialist regime.
    Are there any way to prevent this?

  • One more scandal in the now long history of Mabo – law invented by the High Court – and so called aboriginal land rights.
    How neatly it fits with the Marxist government we have in Canberra.

  • Thanks for sending me this email and especially the link to the book.

    If only Kasper was with us to write about property rights!

    This Labor government is determined to push through its leftist agenda by hook or crook. I also blame the Liberals for utterly failing as a political party, Liberals (whatever that means) and for trouncing any shred of libertarianism once in their ethos.

    I see every indication that communists internationally are successfully advancing in their long march through every imaginable institution.

  • I’m glad to receive that Red Over Black download. Re Jabiluka, I saw that coming and unfortunately that made me somewhat resigned to the decision. Now your email has ensured I maintain the rage – and that’s so important I feel. A few letters might be all one can do but the aggregation of them from friends that I forward this to, still has great value I like to think.

  • Thanks Ron

    Hopefully under Peter Dutton’s leadership the Liberal Party will return to what it used to be – part of what made Australia the best country in the world in which to live.

    These idiot mining executives – with the notable exception of Mrs Rinehart and maybe some others – believe that if they suck up to the Communists, masquerading as socialists, they will get preferred treatment. When will they wake up? BHP tried to keep in sweet with the unions in the 1990’s whilst others like Charles Copeman did the right thing. Which was the company the unions went after most? BHP, because it was WEAK.

    When will they learn that, like every Communist, the Left, like the Islamists, don’t have friends, they have useful idiots.

    Hopefully, by now many Jewish Australians will realise that, since Hawke left, the Left’s true anti-semitism is growing like a cancer. Albanese is as bad as Corbyn and Harris.

    But we all know how hard it is to convince people that ideas they have held for so long are demonstrably false, and dangerous.

    Best regards


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